Why are bongs so trendy today?
When it comes to having a pleasant experience when smoking, a bong is your best bet. The concept of smoking vaporized tobacco via water is almost as old as the tradition of smoking tobacco itself. But the question remains as to what motivated humankind to come up with a novel approach to the use of medicinal plants. Tokenplant is an online shop that sells all types of marijuana items. It provides customers with access to a diverse selection of collections. Visit their website to know more.
Bongs are smoother
When inhaled, the combustion of cannabis (smoking) may cause irritation to the throat, which is one of the biggest drawbacks of this method of consumption. When hot smoke is inhaled directly into the lungs by methods such as joints, blunts, or dry pipes, it causes a painful burning sensation that may dissuade users who are just starting out (or people who are not used to smoking).
More effective filtration
When something is set ablaze, it releases carcinogens into the air. Unfortunately, a bong is not capable to entirely removing all of the carcinogens and other poisons that may be present. However, because the toxic chemicals are filtered out of the smoke by the water in a bong as it passes through, the quantity of dangerous compounds that are inhaled is considerably reduced.
Reducing bacteria and mold
Because germs and mold are encased in bongwater, the amount of microorganisms that you inhale is significantly reduced. Cannabis consumers have a habit of passing around items such as joints, pipes, and bongs, which may potentially spread sickness. If you use a bong, some of those impurities will be filtered out by the water rather than entering your lungs directly.
Bigger hits
Many experienced users prefer to smoke their cannabis using a glass bong. Users can only take a large hit with this strategy since it is the only one that works. You could, in principle, pack the container full with smoke and inhale it all in a single drag if you wanted to. Even while taking many large doses of a herb isn’t the best method to ingest it, it may still be a lot of fun. After all, the festivities may be kicked off with only a few of hits from the bong.
They are entertaining
Bongs are not only useful, but they also have the potential to be quite good conversation starters. Glass is a multipurpose material that may be purchased in a wide variety of hues. Because it is so easy to shape, glass gives artists the potential to create bongs in an almost infinite number of different forms.